The Young Professional Network (YPN) is an organization within the West Valley-Warner Center Chamber of Commerce that is dedicated to helping young professionals connect with each other to build local, professional relationships. Millennials are categorized as being born between the years of 1980 to 2000 - so if you fall into this generation, we want you to come join us! Whether you own your own business, are planning on starting one, or work within a larger company or organization, we want to meet you! Millennials from every background are welcome, whether you’re part of a business, nonprofit, government, education, or other field! We hope to develop relationships with fellow Millennials in a fun, casual environment – rather than an event where you feel you are being sold to. We also hope to develop your professional knowledge and skills to help make you an even more effective leader in your current and future career.
Bring Leads and Referrals to your company! If you work for someone, offer to attend this to further outreach into the community.
MPN meets monthly January-November for networking mixers at various locations throughout the West Valley. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out the latest MPN news or contact our leadership team by emailing, [email protected]
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