The Boys & Girls Club of the West Valley provides safe, healthy, and productive activities for kids after school. The Club has 2,800 members; 150 kids visit the main Canoga Park site daily; and 550 kids engage in programs at five other school sites.
The Boys & Girls Club of the West Valley sits in a challenging neighborhood for a child to grow up in, an area where its young residents are vulnerable to many negative socio-economic forces that often make growing up very difficult:
� More than 60 percent of children in Canoga Park elementary and middle schools are enrolled in free and reduced-cost lunch programs.
� There are only two after-school programs within a one-mile radius of the Club.
� Out of the 2,500 members of the Boys & Girls Club of the West San Fernando Valley, 81 percent live in homes with an annual household income under $30,000.
� Thirty-five percent of the Club�s children come from single-parent households.
Organizations like the Boys & Girls Club are squeezed from two directions during challenging
economic times: more young people are in desperate need of the Club�s services,
including supportive adults and a safe, supportive environment, while at the same time,
financial donations to support its activities are more difficult to obtain than ever.
The need for a Boys & Girls Club in the area has never been more apparent
and its focus on offering a place where children can experience a positive
environment of friendship, playtime, and learning has never been greater.
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